Plant Care Guide


Plant Name Money Plant
Scientific Name Epipremnum aureum
Plant Size Money Plant is a climber plant. In average each branch of the plant grows around 15 feet.
Nature (Flowering/ Non-Flowering) The plant is non-flowering in nature.
Watering The plant can grow in both soil and in water. Money Plant likes a bit of wet soil. Watering the plant when the soils partially dry out works best for the plant.
Soil Condition  
Placement The plant should be placed in an area with partial/indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves whereas too little light can cause the leaves to turn yellow.
Toxic Level The plant is toxic to pets and children if slowed.
Indoor/ Outdoor The plant can grow both indoor and outdoor.
Vastu According to Vastu, Money Plant should be placed in the southeast direction inside the house. For outside the house, the plant can be placed in the north entrance.
Tips 1. Do not use fertilizer if the Money Plant is being grown in water.
2. Pot the plant in a planter with loose potting soil.
Frequently Asked Question What are the major problem faced in Money Plant?
Losing Leave, and Leave turning Yellow are the two major problems faced by the plant keeper. The leaves fall is witnessed due to several reasons like overwatering and root decay. Watering the plant only when necessary and monitoring and grooming the leaves can fix the problem.
How can the plant be propagated?
The plant can be propagated by putting the cuttings in water or by placing it in a potting mixture of half soil and half moss/ cocopeats.
How to grow Money Plant faster?
Planting the pot in a big pot and using necessary supplements can cause the plant to grow faster. Placing the plant in indirect sunlight and a bright place also helps. 

Plant  Snake Plant
Scientific Name Dracaena trifasciata
Plant Size On an average, the plants grow from 1-3 feet whereas, in case of the bigger varieties, the plant grows from 3-8 feet
Nature (Flowering/ Non-Flowering) The plant annually produce flower when given proper resources.
Watering Snake Plant does not require heavy watering. Letting the soil dry out almost completely between watering works great for Snake Plant.
Soil Condition Snake plant like well-draining soil. The plant further likes the soil with a bit high PH level (acidic in nature).
Placement The plant can grow in any kind of light level. However, strong direct sunlight should be avoided to eliminate leaves burn.
Toxic Level Snake Plant is considered mildly toxic if consumed.
Indoor/ Outdoor The plant can grow both indoors and outdoor.
Vastu Snake Plant is known as the beacon of positive energy. The plant is mainly placed in the bedroom in the east, south, or southeast direction for boosting positivity.
Tips 1. Do not overwater the plant. One of the most common issues faced by the plant owners is overwatering.
2. Pot the plant in a planter with loose potting soil.
Frequently Asked Question What are the major problem faced in Snake Plant?
The major problem faced in Snake Plant is watery leaves. The problem is caused due to overwatering. Minimize watering the plant and wait for the soil to dry out.
Why is the Plant leaves curling?
Snake Plant leaves curl due to stress in the plant mainly caused by underwatering and too much sunlight.
How to grow Snake Plant faster?
The snake plant is a slow-growing plant. To ensure the plant's rapid growth, the plant should be placed in bright indirect sunlight in loose potting soil mix and should be fertilized regularly.

Plant Peace Lily
Scientific Name Spathiphyllum
Plant Size The plant grows up to 2-3 feet.
Nature (Flowering/ Non-Flowering) Peace Lily is a flowing plant usually blooms in springtime, sometimes later.
Watering In Summer and Spring, keeping the soil moist and allowing it to dry slightly near the top works great for Peace Lily. During the winter, the plant requires even less watering.
Soil Condition The plants like well-draining, loose potting soil that contains plenty of organic matter.
Placement Peace Lily does not require direct sunlight and can be grown in both shade or partial shade.
Toxic Level The plant is toxic in nature. The plant should be kept away from children and pets.
Indoor/ Outdoor Peace Lily is mainly grown indoors but the plant can also be kept and grown outdoor in partially shade area.
Vastu The plant can be placed in the bedroom to keep off the negative energies.
Tips 1. Do not overwater the plant.
2. Put the plant in indirect light.
3. Pot the plant in a planter with loose potting soil.
Frequently Asked Question What are the major problem faced in Peace Lily plant?
The major problem faced by the plant includes leaves turning brown/yellow and failure to bloom. The failure to flower problem can be fixed by placing the plant in indirect bright/moderate light and providing the necessary essentials. The brown/yellow leaves is mainly caused by either overwatering/ underwatering. If the plant show the issue wait for the lily wilts before watering again.
How fast will Peace Lily grow?
Peace Lily grows in a moderate pace. On average, it takes around 4-5 years for the plant to fully grow.
What does it mean when the plant drops water?
Peace Lily dropping water generally means the plant needs more/ frequent watering.

Plant ZZ Plant
Scientific Name Zamioculc Gem
Plant Size The plant grows up to 3-4 feet when fully grown.
Nature (Flowering/ Non-Flowering) The plant rarely produces flowers. It takes around 5-6 years for the plant to produce flowers after planting under ideal conditions
Watering As ZZ Plant has an extremely efficient water retention mechanism, the plant requires low watering. The plant likes it best if it is left to dry out completely between watering.
Soil Condition The plant prefers a fast-draining loose soil mix.
Placement ZZ Plant grows best in a place where the morning sun is accessible. The plant does not require a high amount of sunlight and can be grown in low-light situations.
Toxic Level ZZ Plant is toxic in nature. The plant should be kept away from children and pets. Wearing a glove or washing the hand after handling the plant is recommended.
Indoor/ Outdoor Although the ZZ plant can be grown outdoors, it makes a fantastic almost un-killable indoor plant
Vastu The plant can be placed in the north, northeast, or east direction. The plant is said to bring fortune and good luck.
Tips 1. Do not overwater the plant.
2. Put the plant in medium to bright indirect light.
3. Pot the plant in a planter that has drainage holes in it.
Frequently Asked Question What are the major problem faced in ZZ plant? 
The major problem faced by the plant includes yellow leaves and drooping steam. Drooping steam is seen in the plant if it is suffering from root rot. The major causes of root rot in ZZ Plant is because of overwatering or fungi. The yellow leaves are also developed due to overwatering of the plant.
How fast will ZZ Plant grow?
ZZ plants are slow grower plants. The plant's growth can be anywhere from five inches to just a couple of inches.
When and how the plant repotting can be done?
ZZ Plant sustains well if the repotting is done at the beginning of the spring. As the plant is a slow grower, they do not need to be repotted that often. The plant best sustains in pots with good drainage and does not retain excess water.

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